Northwest music faculty presenting recitals, joining guest performers

Northwest Missouri State University is hosting a series of recitals featuring performances by faculty in the department of fine and performing arts and guest musicians this spring.

“Faculty recitals are opportunities for colleagues to collaborate toward a common goal, often exploring repertoire not commonly heard in undergraduate education,” Dr. Rachel Day, a Northwest assistant professor of music, said. “Faculty recitals also serve as demonstrations for students of what is possible—artistry, recital programming, collaboration.”

All recitals begin at 7 pm in the Charles Johnson Theater at the Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building.

Wednesday, March 6

Day will sing mezzo-soprano with Northwest staff accompanist Dr. Jiwon Choi on piano and Dr. Joseph Tomasso on the English horn.

Day teaches courses in vocal music, joined Northwest in 2022. She obtained a doctorate degree in vocal performance. She has served as a member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing and the Pan American Vocational Association and currently advises the American Choral Directors Association.

Choi, who joined Northwest in 2016, is a staff accompanist who collaborates with choirs, vocal and instrumental studios, pianists, music faculty and guest artists. She earned a doctorate in piano performance and pedagogy from the University of Kansas.

Tomasso, an assistant professor of music who teaches courses related to a variety of instruments, joined Northwest in 2017. With a doctorate in oboe performance from the University of Cincinnati College, Tomasso has performed with musical groups throughout the country.

Thursday, March 7

Dr. William Sutton will perform on euphonium and tuba with guest pianist Dr. Ling Lo.

Sutton, a low-brass and music theory instructor, joined Northwest in 2022. He has a doctorate in music performance.

Lo, an assistant professor of music at the University of North Dakota, is a pianist and chamber musician who has performed at a variety of universities throughout the country. She has doctorate and master’s degrees in piano from Michigan State University and Boston University.

Thursday, March 21

Choi will perform on piano with Tomasso on oboe and guest cellist Ho Anthony Ahn.

Ahn is a chamber coaching artist for Kansas City Young Chamber Musicians, a classical chamber music education program for Kansas City youth.

Thursday, April 4

Kyle Jones will perform on saxophone with Choi on piano.

Jones, an adjunct instructor of saxophone, joined Northwest in 2023.

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