History Of The Day And Why It Is Celebrated

Your memory might fade away, but pictures stay intact forever. Photographs not only remind you of the past, but they also have the ability to embody a range of emotions and feelings. World Photography Day is observed every year on August 19. The day is dedicated to celebrating the art of clicking pictures. People also pay homage to the pioneers of photography who inspired the world to take up this skill as well as recognizing the contributions of great photographers. Photography has played a significant role in capturing events of the past for future generations to acknowledge. History and Significance…
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This Photographer Captured One Image of Cambridge Every Day for 13 Years | SmartNews

Antonia Mufarech Correspondent In March 2010, photographer Martin Bond decided to snap a portrait of his hometown every day. Titled A Cambridge Diary, the project captured subjects such as tango dancers, swans, commuters and even King Charles. Bond tells the Guardian‘s Donna Ferguson he wanted to showcase scenes in Cambridge, England, that tourists don’t usually see, while simultaneously rekindling the local love feel for the city. “The power of capturing everyday moments reminds us that we’re human. There’s a connectedness that we sometimes take for granted or are not aware of,” he adds. “All I’m really doing is just tuning…
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Rare bear helps Alberta photographer win international contest

An Alberta woman has won a prestigious nature photography contest after traveling to South America to photograph a vulnerable species of bear. Jacquie Matechuk​, who lives in Cochrane, Alta., won the Nature Photographer of the Year award in a contest run by Nature Talks, a Netherlands-based photography agency. Her winning image, He Looks to the Heavensfeatures a spectacled bear perched on a fig tree in Ecuador. The species name comes from the rings of light-colored fur around the eyes, making it look like they’re wearing glasses. Matechuk​ said that on the day the photo was taken, it seemed like everything…
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